zaterdag 21 april 2012

Love, oh, love

One of my friends just told his opinion on love, and what love should feel like, and I absolutely loved his way of describing it, so I asked him if I could use it on my blog, and I could, so here it is, love it as much as I do;

"ik kijk er echt naar uit
naar die momenten die je alleen samen kan hebben,
dat je het knus en gezellig kan hebben in een stille kamer
dat je samen een rondje kan gaan wandelen door een warm landschap terwijl je eigelijk overal over praat, en eigenlijk ook nergens over
dat op zo'n moment alle problemen wegvagen
dat alle groten dingen, maar zeker ook de kleine dingetjes er gewoon eventjes niet zijn
alleen wij tweeën
ik denk dat liefde voor mij er uit ziet als een warme zomer na een strenge winter^^
haha maar goed, is mijn gevoel denk ik maar (:"

"I'm really looking forward to it
to those moments when you can be together, alone
that you can feel nice en cozy in a room filled with silence
that you can go for a walk around the block, by a warm countryside and talk about everything and talk about nothing
that in a moment like that, all trouble just seems to fade away
and that all the big things, but also the small things, aren't there for a moment
just the two of us
I think that to me love feels like a warm summer, right after a severe winter ^^
haha, but whatever, those are my feelings, I guess (:"

I never thought he was poethical like that. He really, really is tho xD
I'm glad I have him as a friend, I can talk about practically everything with him. (:

Seriously, if someone would declare his love like that to me, I would probably melt.
And then there would just be a little puddle of roos left, haha x]
I'm such a hopeless romantic.

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